
Milk Pro­cess­ing

Easy skimming of milk

Easy skimming of milk - guides and tips

Milky cream separators are perfectly suitable for the easy centrifugation of body tempered milk into skimmed milk and cream. The gained cream can afterwards be processed in a number of ways.

Body tempered milk between 30 and 45 °C is perfectly suitable for centrifugation, separating the milk into skimmed milk and cream. With the addition of full cream milk, the fat content can be increased.

With our Milky cream separators (milk separators) the milk can easily and efficiently be skimmed. Depending on the fat content of the milk and the adjustment of the cream screw, you can get between 8% and 12 % of cream. By processing 100 litres of milk you will get between 8 and 12 litres of cream. The percentage of cream and the fat content of the cream depend on the quality and the temperature of the milk and the possible addition of full cream milk.

The gained cream can be used in a number of ways. The cream can either be pasteurized with a pasteurizer and then be finished, be processed with a butter churn or be used directly as cream.

Find more videos about cream separation and milk separators on YouTube!

Cream separation

Milk processing tips